Michelle DaCruz
Northern News Services
For two months the media studies students have been working on a promotional video that will showcase the reality of fighting fires that the average person would never experience.
Up to 14 students have captured footage from real emergencies to staged blazes. The project comes as a result of the department's strategic plan to raise public awareness about community services in addition to emergency response.
"This video will highlight services we provide for example SEAS, senior emergency alert system. It works like a panic button for seniors who need help. They press the button and we respond," said Lieut. Chucker Dewar.
Grade 10 student Chris Di Pasquale was at the firehall last week taping a fire exercise on a building and a car. The project has given Di Pasquale a new perspective on the job.
"I didn't realize the amount of responsibility fire people have. Now I do. It's a lot of pressure because they are always on call," said Di Pasquale.
Student Chelsea Fandricks said the experience has made her more excited about filmmaking and less about firefighting.
"I wouldn't want to be one. They take a big risk and are always on call," she said.
Media studies teacher Arnold Krause said the project, which began in March, is giving the kids an experience he could never duplicate in the classroom.
"They are learning theory, accountability, organizational skills, and on-site technical knowledge, about things like lighting, and safety," said Krause.
The students will edit the nine hours of recorded tape and plan to have the video completed within the next two weeks.