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Ship shape

Louis Cardinal gets river-ready

Terry Halifax
Northern News Services

Inuvik (May 31/02) - While the Mackenzie River choked along tons of broken ice, the deck crew was putting the finishing touches on the Louis Cardinal ferry at the Arctic Red River crossing.

Engineer Charles says the ship got two new engines this year and is all ready for another season of ferrying vehicles across the Mackenzie and Arctic Red Rivers.

"The two aft turn engines are new," he said. They took some parts of the old ones, but they are basically brand new."

Fowler says the ship also got two rebuilt gear boxes.

The vessel is powered by four 369 hp. Detroit Diesel engines that turn four propellers and she's steered by four rudders.

Fowler says the ship is easy to handle, but there are some strong current at the crossing.

There are three captains, one from Hay River and two from B.C. who just arrived for the season.

The ferry is set to go in the Mackenzie this weekend.

The Louis Cardinal can haul 350 tonnes of cargo per trip and Fowlers says they have really been busy the past few years with an increase in oil and gas traffic, but also says there are more tourists on the road.

"There were a lot of heavy trucks last year, but also a lot of tourists," he said. "All summer long they we were busy."

"The rigs keep getting bigger and the motor homes longer."

The deck crew also put a fresh coat of paint on the 20 year-old ferry as part of regular maintenance.