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The numbers game

Want to talk confusing? Watch these figures change

Nathan VanderKlippe
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (May 29/02) - The past weeks have seen the city produce a flurry of changing numbers.

Councillors were originally informed, behind closed doors, that the twin-pad arena project was $1.4 million over budget.

That was on May 13.

Ten days later, that rose figure rose to $2 million over budget.

Last Thursday, administration said they could find $700,000 in this year's budget to cover the overrun.

Less than 24 hours later, that number had increased to $1.2 million.

Other numbers have also changed. In its 2002 budget, the city says it will require the gymnastics club to pay $704,000.

Last Thursday that commitment had shrunk to $638,294.

This Monday, it was back up to $709,707.

That, says community services director Grant White, is because costs changed as building progressed.

The gymnastics club will pay the actual cost of the pilings, pre-engineered building and concrete work for their new gym, said White.

Asked why the gymnastics club estimate was more accurate than the estimate for the entire arena, he said: "it's much easier because it's less complicated."

The city incurred much of its overruns on the arena through excess electrical and mechanical trades costs -- construction processes which the city won't bankroll for the gymnastics club. And the numbers aren't final yet.

Administration still has to award tenders for a number of jobs, including site work, elevator installation and painting.

What's more, White said external site work has not been tendered yet.

That work includes paving parking lots and installing sidewalks.

When those numbers come in, they could push overruns beyond the $2 million mark.

The actual arena plans are already less comprehensive than they were at first.

For example, while original plans called for 1,000 seats in the arena, only 300 will be installed by September.