Tara Kearsey
Northern News Services
The Yellowknife Chamber of Commerce and NWT 2000.COM launched an online Yellowknife business directory at the spring trade show last weekend.
The directory is part of the Smart Communities project which provides all local businesses with free online listing. The directory features links to e-mail addresses and corporate Web sites.
"It's very handy," said Jim Eirikson of NWT 2000.COM, a company that had already launched an online business directory for companies all across the Northwest Territories before embarking on this project.
"It's an easy access for people, not just in the North, but anybody in the world can access this information," said Eirikson.
The new online service will serve Yellowknife residents with information about what types of businesses are in town and what type of services and products they provide.
"It's going to be very beneficial for someone that's looking for a product or type of service ... they can find out where it is, phone numbers and anything else that they're looking for," said Dale Thomson, executive director of the Yellowknife Chamber of Commerce.
There are currently 151 business categories on the Web site. Yellowknife businesses can also opt to purchase an enhanced listing on the Web site.