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Higher profile with new offices

Six people hired for three new regional Mackenzie Valley Pipeline centres

Terry Halifax
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (May 10/02) - The Mackenzie Valley Pipeline will be getting a higher local profile and employing some Mackenzie Valley people with three new regional offices.

Spokesperson Hart Searle says staffing plans are still being finalized, but says up to six people will be hired in each office.

"Initially, it's not going to be a large number of people and we will adjust it as we move forward," Searle said.

The offices will provide local people with information on the company, job opportunities and also a place where the corporation can learn.

"It's to provide a point of contact; it's a place for sharing information and it's a place where people can come in and ask questions," Searle said. "Most importantly, it's place where we can hear feedback from people from the north."

The group are progressing on work plans to file regulatory applications with the National Energy Board in mid-2003.

"One of the big pieces of that puzzle is public consultation," he said. "We're working on firming up other dates for additional meetings in the North."

The group recently completed consultation in the Sahtu and will continue the consultation throughout the valley.

"We need to have the views, comments, suggestions and questions from people so we can modify our plans as is appropriate to ensure we are carrying out a meaningful dialogue with the people of the north," he said. "It's something we feel is very important to the project - it's our obligation and it's just good business."