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UNW president pleased with change at college

Paul Bickford
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Apr 22/02) - The president of the Union of Northern Workers is delighted with employment changes at Aurora College.

Over the last several months, the college has converted dozens of positions from term to indeterminate.

"We're very, very pleased," says Georgina Rolt-Kaiser, the UNW president.

She says 43 positions have been converted to indeterminate.

Current employees were given the option for the switch involving their positions -- 32 accepted, while 11 declined.

The union president says the change offers benefits to communities, workers and students.

"It's wonderful for the North," she says. "It's a more secure workforce."

In particular, she says it offers security, instead of having employees re-apply as terms end. That would allow more certainty to plan their financial futures.

"I hope there's more," says Rolt-Kaiser.

Aurora College declined to comment on the change, describing it as an internal personnel matter.