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We sympathize with the Yellowknife RCMP detachment over its current dilemma when it comes to serving and protecting Yellowknife.
The Yellowknife detachment was forced to back away from its plans to downsize services, despite soaring caseloads and a limited workforce.
This change of plan came after a meeting between the RCMP and justice officials who agreed no immediate changes would be allowed until a review is conducted.
Our only question is what is there to review? Seems pretty black and white to us.
With no increase in its 29-member complement since 1981, the fact that our population has grown by 8,000 residents since then shows us the need for expansion cannot be ignored.
Members are carrying, on average, 268 criminal files each.
Compare that to the Fort McMurray region, which has a similar cop-per-capita basis (69 members for a population of 60,000) and their criminal caseload per officer in 2001 was 139.
Clearly, our officers are burning out.
Then there's the fact that RCMP in Yellowknife, unlike other jurisdictions, are the sole providers when it comes to keeping our street drunks from harm's way.
Out of 5,176 persons lodged in cells in 2001, 4,000 were alcohol or drug related. Yellowknife has no detox centre for abusers to go to clean up.
Instead of concentrating on passing Bill 7, which will give MLAs a secondary pension, our MLAs should give immediate attention to finding the funds to offer some much-needed relief to our capital city's RCMP detachment.
Everyone would agree with the territorial government's position that tonnes of arsenic stored underground at Giant Mine needs to be removed.
The huge cost of doing that -- $185 million to $410 million -- is another matter.
The Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development is faced with the job of dealing with the 237,000 tonnes of arsenic trioxide. They have held meetings around Yellowknife during the past few weeks, reviewing clean-up options with members of the public.
Freezing it underground is the least expensive option at $70 million, but as Great Slave MLA Bill Braden says, that's just an "interim management approach."
What's needed is a permanent solution: that means removal.
How DIAND is going to pay for it is their problem.
It's understandable that small communities feel shorted when it comes to government spending.
The matter has so enraged some MLAs that they want to strike a new committee that will oversee how government money is spent.
That sounds like the job of the standing committee on accountability and oversight.
They're the government watchdogs who ensure "anticipated outcomes are being achieved and accountability is maximized."
If MLAs are concerned about spending, take the issues to the standing committee. Don't strike a new one that will siphon even more money out of government coffers.
Editorial Comment
Darrell Greer
Kivalliq News
News from Community Government and Transportation Minister Manitok Thompson that the artificial ice project for Rankin Inlet will proceed is being welcomed with enthusiasm in the community.
Rankin has been fighting for artificial ice to serve the entire Kivalliq region for years.
The community has an unbridled passion for hockey, as can be witnessed by the sold-out houses during tournaments and the crowds who gather to witness local mens recreational play -- even when games don't begin until after 10 p.m.
Rankin senior administrator Ron Roach is bang on when he says the hamlet's commitment of labour and heavy equipment to the project is a significant one. Still, the hamlet should make every effort to provide some capital towards the project if, as Roach says, finances warrant it this summer.
There was, at one time, a slush fund of sorts put aside by the hamlet to be used towards the installation of artificial ice. That money is no longer available.
The hamlet received an insurance settlement in 1997 when one of its older garages burned down.
The insurance money was put into a special fund that was supposed to be used for the creation of artificial ice.
There was nothing inappropriate concerning the evaporation of that money long before it could be used for artificial ice.
The "slush fund" had to be used for other purposes when poor management from previous administrations left the hamlet hurting for cash. Council was forced to use whatever available cash it could access to maintain its operations and, unfortunately, that meant no artificial ice.
The past and present council has done an admirable job turning the hamlet's financial situation into a respectable one. In fact, land development debenture aside, the turnaround has been nothing short of impressive.
That being said, there will be, no doubt, naysayers to the artificial ice project.
And, although the hamlet's contribution to the project is already considerable, council can go a long way towards silencing the naysayers once and for all with some form of capital investment into the project.
In view of the fact the original slush fund had to be used to right a listing financial ship instead of the purpose for which it was originally intended -- a token financial contribution to the project would not only be a wise move by council, it would be the right thing to do.
Editorial Comment
Terry Halifax
Inuvik Drum
Hello, again!
It feels good to be back in the Delta. I spent three months filling in up here about two years back and I can see lots of changes taking place in Inuvik.
It's an exciting time for a reporter to be here, covering all the important history that's going on with self-government and, of course, the proposed pipeline.
I look forward to helping record the important history that's taking place here, as well as the everyday moments that make this part of the world such a special place to be.
Unhappy campers
The proposed elders facility that could push the playground and campground out of Inuvik deserves some new consideration.
As towns become cities, they must be careful to ensure there are adequate "green spaces" left within the core; places for children to play and adults to relax. Quiet, happy places where trees and families can grow old together.
Previous mayors and councils have vehemently protected this area from development and well they should -- it's a jewel for the town.
Perhaps a compromise is in order. Rather than a six-unit elder's facility, perhaps a single building that would house the same number of people, while still making room for children to play and campers to camp.
Tourists would love the opportunity to interact with the rich history housed in an elder's facility and the elders would enjoy watching their grandchildren in the playground.
We all know why they call oil and gas a non-renewable resource, but tourism lasts forever.
Off-road cabs
The new taxi licensing bylaw has put seven drivers out of work and seven families in need.
It's sad to see anyone forced out of work, but even sadder to see it's because of government regulating the free market.
A hands-off approach just wasn't working in Inuvik and the drivers have only themselves to blame for that. If they'd taken the initiative years ago to establish their own governing body, this situation could have been avoided.
That's easy to say now, but the solution to getting these people back to work will take time and some reasonable, forward-thinking discussion between the drivers, taxi commission and town council.
Editorial Comment
Derek Neary
Deh Cho Drum, Fort Simpson
The issue of loose dogs, which is never-ending in Fort Simpson, arose at a village council meeting yet again.
The latest uproar was spurred by a dog that killed a cat and bit a resident who tried to separate the two. Fortunately the resident was wearing a thick coat and wasn't injured, but the severity of the incident cannot be disregarded.
Council has decided to hire a bounty hunter of sorts, a person who will shoot loose dogs on sight. The gravity of the situation warrants some sort of redress. Regrettably, if a dog that isn't normally on the run happens to be loose at the time it might be shot indiscriminately.
That's the predicament the village is in at the moment. What is needed is a long-term solution.
It would be naive to think the problem will ever fade away all together. It won't.
Former senior administrative officer Bruce Leclaire used to argue that the responsibility ultimately lies with dog owners. They are the true culprits.
He's absolutely right. Yet assigning blame doesn't address the problem. Ideally, all citizens would abide by all laws, but that's not reality. That's why police exist, to enforce the law when unruly citizens decide to be disobedient.
The same applies to bylaw officers. Part of the bylaw job description -- a major part -- is to dispose of problem dogs. It's an unenviable task.
Who would want to have to shoot a mistreated animal, an animal that was never really given a fair chance? Pulling the trigger would surely be heart-rending.
But it has to be done.
The vast majority of Fort Simpson's residents know which dogs are constant nuisances and which dog owners are irresponsible.
There are some canines forever running loose, some are good natured but others are menacing. Regardless, all loose dogs should be rounded up on a regular basis.
The village has a fine system in place for owners who care enough to recover their pets in a timely fashion. Caring owners would willingly pay the $25 -- most would pay much more -- to save their pooch. They should be given that option because there are times when dogs break free of restraints, or youth, without permission, unchain dogs or open gates, allowing dogs to roam.
Repeat offenders or those who scoff at the prospect of paying fines should not have the privilege of owning a pet, but that cannot be enforced.
In an ideal world, people would not give puppies to other people who are known to be irresponsible or mistreat dogs.
But it's not an ideal world. We need an effective bylaw and effective enforcement.