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A dart from the heart

Family donates money to homecare

Mike W. Bryant
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Mar 08/02) - Proceeds from a dart tournament will go towards purchasing homecare supplies and equipment.

The Yellowknife Health and Social Services Board held an appreciation tea Feb. 27 in the memory of Gwen House whose family's fundraising efforts led to $8,027 being donated to homecare.

House, who succumbed to pancreatic cancer last August, was in homecare when she died.

In recognition of the doctor and nurses who treated her during her illness, House's family held the first annual Gwen House Memorial Dart Shoot Nov. 17, at the Royal Canadian Legion.

The tournament raised just over $3,000, which was matched by the Legion. The remainder of the money was the result of donations in lieu of flowers at House's funeral, as well as other donations from her family and friends.

Yellowknife Health and Social Board is still uncertain how the money will be used.

The family wanted the donation to be used to purchase a special adjustable bed for palliative care patients, but the price might be out of range, said the homecare nurses who cared for her.

An alternative may include a specially made mattress that would relieve pressure on a patient's back.

"The House family wanted a bed, but it may be too expensive," said homecare nurse, Anna Tumchewics. "The donation was so generous though, we thought we would take a look at it."

House's son Sheldon said the family chose a dart tournament to raise money because it was one of his mother's greatest passions in life.

"It was mom's only true sport," said Sheldon. "She didn't do much else. She travelled to the nationals (dart tournaments) for many years."