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Elder raised by Chief Monfwi dies

Jorge Barrera
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Mar 04/02) - A Dogrib elder who was raised by Chief Monfwi died last Thursday.

Moise Martin, 96, died at Stanton Regional Hospital Feb. 28 after a prolonged illness.

Martin was raised by Chief Monfwi, the famed Dogrib leader who signed Treaty 11 in 1921.

He is survived by his wife Madeleine, 85.

She kept vigil over Moise Martin for three and a half weeks in the hospital, sleeping on a mattress on the floor beside his bed in the hospital room.

He is also survived by his children Mary, Dora, Charlie and Frank Martin.

He was predeceased by daughter Julie in 1982.

We'll miss all of his advice," said daughter Mary Martin.

"He always told people to love one another. He also liked to tell jokes and he figured laughter was good for people and crying was good too."

Moise Martin moved to Rae from Snare Lakes in 1968. He loved to walk and go trapping and hunting in the bush.

The funeral was to be held in Rae on Saturday.

A Treaty 11 delegation touring the Dogrib communities cancelled its trip after the death.

They brought delegates from the communities they were scheduled to meet into Rae for updates on land-claims both yesterday and today.