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Thompson agrees with Ottawa meeting

Hamlets and towns intend to lobby federal politicians

Jorge Barrera
Northern News Services

Cambridge Bay (Mar 11/02) - Manitok Thompson is coming to the defense of hamlets and towns holding a meeting in Ottawa

"(The association's) intention to take advantage of the meeting location to lobby for additional funding is helpful," said Thompson, minister of community governments which funds the association.

During the March 1 sitting of the Legislative Assembly, Culture Minister Jack Anawak criticized the Nunavut Association of Municipalities for their decision. Anawak was formerly minister of community governments.

The association recently rescheduled their April 29 to May 3 meeting from Cambridge Bay to Ottawa.

"Undoubtedly they would have brought a lot of money into Cambridge Bay with the meeting for hotels, meals, shopping and so on," said Anawak.

Thompson's endorsement was well received by association president Keith Peterson.

"We think it's good that there is a recognition that (the association) has an important role in advocating for Nunavut," said Peterson.

The group is trying to persuade federal Deputy Minister John Manley to meet with them at the Crown Royal Hotel in Ottawa where they will be staying.

Peterson said they are seeking corporate dollars to help fund the meeting. "We have 60 per cent of our corporate sponsorship lined up."

The association decided to meet in Ottawa after they failed to convince Nunavut MLA's to meet with them in Cambridge Bay.

Thompson was the only MLA who said she would attend.