Darrell Greer
Northern News Services
Talerook, from Baker Lake, turned 101 on Jan. 29.
A number of dignitaries were on hand to help the community celebrate the event, including Nunavut Commissioner Peter Irniq and Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. (NTI) president Cathy Towtongie.
Hundreds of people showed up at the arena for the party, which began with an hour-long feast.
Baker Mayor David Webster and MLA Glenn McLean kicked off the proceedings by acknowledging Talerook and the dignitaries present.
After Norman Arnasungaaq, chair of Baker elder's group, presented Talerook with a gift on behalf of the local elders, Irniq read letters of congratulations and certificates from the Governor General, Nunavut MP Nancy Karetak-Lindell, Senator Willie Adams and the prime minister.
Webster said popular Kivalliq entertainer Charlie Panigoniak was in Baker for the party. He said two huge birthday cakes were brought out while Panigoniak sang Happy Birthday to Talerook in Inuktitut and English.
"Charlie performed his witty song, The Commissioner's in Town, and it was a huge hit with the commissioner in attendance," said Webster.
Towtongie's plane was late and she arrived just as Panigoniak was finishing his presentation.
"She rushed right from the plane and she was absolutely beautiful, dressed in a beaded amouti.
"She presented Martha with a beautiful handmade teapot on behalf of NTI."
Talerook has never drank or smoked and, of course, has eaten country foods her whole life.
But, she says, the secret to a long life rests as much with the spirit as it does the lifestyle.
"I learned from my step-parents that to live a long life, one must be happy and not think negative thoughts," said Talerook.
"If you run into a person who is angry at you, don't fight back. Just go away without talking back.
"If you fight back, the hatred will grow inside you. Be happy and think positive thoughts. Love is stronger than anger."