Malcolm Gorrill
Northern News Services
The week marks the Feb. 22 birthday of Boy Scout founder Lord Baden Powell.
The Inuvik scouts, beavers and cubs had a highly successful popcorn sales campaign this past fall, making a profit of $7,200. Shown by some popcorn is Cristal Rogers, a member of cubs. - Malcolm Gorrill/NNSL photo |
After the meal each group put on a number of skits.
Scout leader Dave Tyler of the 1st Inuvik scouts reported that last fall's popcorn sales had gone quite well, with a profit of $7,200 on $12,000 in sales.
After the meeting Tyler explained Canadian North donated the freight for the popcorn from Edmonton to here.
Six people sold more than $1,000 worth of popcorn each. They are cubs Brielle Morrison and Brian Travis, beavers Keaton Firth, Tynen Campbell and Brian Travis, and scout Josh Tyler.
Tyler said the group is having a good year so far, with the number of members up, and some new leaders. Noting last year's trip by 16 scouts to the Canadian Jamboree in Prince Edward Island, Tyler said this year is more low key.
"This year it seems like we're coasting, in fact we feel like we're not accomplishing anything," Tyler said.
"We are, but we just don't have so much on our plate, plus we have two more leaders."
This evening starting around 6:15 p.m., members of the various scout and girl guide groups are all to meet at Sir Alexander Mackenzie school. They will start a torchlight parade from there, and make their way back to the school, where they will put on skits.