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City firm wins Iqaluit contract

QC chief executive officer Harry Flaherty: Priority now is to meet with group.

Kerry McCluskey
Northern News Services

Iqaluit (Feb 13/02) - Qikiqtaaluk Corporation has granted the contract for construction management and architectural services for a new regional hospital to be built in Iqaluit.

Chief executive officer Harry Flaherty said construction company PCL and Yellowknife architectural firm Ferguson Simek Clark were awarded the $2.5-million contract.

"This group was selected to design the hospital project," said Flaherty.

Controversy surrounding the tender erupted when former president Abe Tagalik claimed he was fired because he did not award the contract to the Nunavut Construction Corporation.

To ensure the tender was fair and to avoid further criticism of the tendering process, Flaherty said an independent firm evaluated the short list and chose PCL and FSC.

Flaherty said work on the design phase would begin immediately.

"My priority now is to meet with the group and start working on a strategy," said Flaherty.