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Future mine royalties draw interest

Community corporation has plans for NTI profits

Jorge Barrera
Northern News Services

Coppermine (Feb 11/02) - Nunavut's land claim corporation is considering diverting fees collected from mineral exploration on Inuit owned lands into a development fund.

Carson Gillis, director of lands and resources for Nunavut Tunngavik Inc., said the board wants a fund to deliver programs directly with the money.

NTI collects $1.6 million a year in sub-surface fees from mineral companies operating in the territory. The money goes toward the corporation's $15-million operating cost.

Gillis was short on details because the issue needs to be discussed by the board.

But one community is already lining up to dip into the as-yet-non-existent fund.

The Kugluktuk Community Corporation is mulling the creation of a prospecting company. But without a cash flow, Alex Buchan, Kugluktuk's community development officer, said NTI is an option.

Buchan said the corporation will try to tap into that fund when the time comes.

"We will approach them to finance the prospecting company," said Buchan.

The prospecting company is one of three projects the Kugluktuk Community Corporation is planning. Also on the list are resurrecting the community arcade, which shut down in 2000, and starting a restaurant, possibly with dentist Dr. Hazem Kobaisy.

Born in the summer of 2000 out of a perceived necessity for economic growth, the corporation was supposed to kick-start local development and create jobs in the community. It has done little since then and come under some criticism from business owners who feared competition.

Joanne Taptuna, president of the corporation, said a new building and headquarters is a top priority.

She's eyeing the old Hunters and Trappers Organization building near the centre of town. "

"It needs a lot of work before it gets started," said Taptuna, "but will give the corporation a tangible presence in the community."