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'The insider' takes notice

Dawn Ostrem
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Jan 23/02) - The man who helped blow the whistle on tobacco companies in the United States calls smoking statistics in the Northwest Territories "alarming."

Jeffrey Wigand could arguably be the most famous anti-smoking advocate after he allowed himself to be interviewed on CBS's 60 Minutes, resulting in his portrayal in the 1999 movie The Insider.

"The kids don't stand a damn chance," said Wigand from Los Angeles after absorbing statistics on the fact 62 per cent of women in the NWT continue to smoke during their pregnancy. Forty-two per cent of all residents smoke.

"You have an enormously high rate of smokers," he added. "That is, to me, alarmingly high."

Wigand continues his anti-smoking crusade by speaking to kids, teaching and helping to set up programs to keep them off tobacco throughout the world. He has also provided advice to former federal health minister Alan Rock.

"Invite me up there," Wigand adds.

"I am a believer that youth could help other youth.

"They have demonstrated it in the poorest communities ... I would love to come ... and get a youth-based empowerment program going there."