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Council cuts not likely

Nathan VanderKlippe
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Jan 16/02) - It looks like a recommendation to cut the size of council by two councillors will not be enacted.

A memorandum to the Monday priorities policies and budget committee meeting includes a recommendation that "the size of City Council not be reduced."

That recommendation sparked some debate, as councillor Dave Ramsay called removing the suggestion "a huge mistake." He wants to reduce the size of council because "it might lend itself to us finally having some type of ward system."

Other councillors adamantly oppose reducing the size of council.

"I see no reason whatsoever to reduce the number of councillors," said Coun. Kevin O'Reilly after the meeting. "We have a large city here with major responsibilities. I don't believe it's in the public interest."

Discussion on the restructuring was tabled until the next meeting.