Kevin Wilson
Northern News Services
Ordinary members of the legislative assembly will pass judgment on cabinet during the government's mid-term review in less than a week.
Enoki Irqittuq, chair of the assembly's regular members' caucus, announced the format in a press release issued last week.
Government House Leader Kelvin Ng said last week that cabinet is "really looking forward" to getting through the exercise.
"We always are looking for constructive criticism," he added.
Since the legislature will not yet be in session, the members will sit as the Nunavut Leadership Forum.
The forum is the body used to conduct business in the months prior to division. Speaker Kevin O'Brien will preside over the proceedings.
Ng said that while "there's always matters you could have dealt with differently," the cabinet feels they've done a good job over the last two years. "There has been progress made on a number of issues."
Ordinary members are putting the finishing touches on the final details of the review's format.
Irqittuq's press release gave some hints as to what cabinet ministers might expect. For starters, ordinary MLAs will be able to question ministers about anything they have done, in any portfolio they have held.
Assembly clerk John Quirke said he expects the "last i's to be dotted and t's crossed a few days prior to the sitting."
Following the review, MLAs will prepare a report on their findings, which will then be tabled at the next sitting of the assembly. Irqittuq did not return calls to his office.