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Rescue on the land

Repulse man survives three days without food

Darrell Greer
Northern News Services

Repulse Bay (Nov 12/01) - Rescuers say a Repulse Bay man is lucky to be alive after spending three days on the land with no food or survival equipment.

Harry Milortok, 23, went missing last Monday, Nov. 5, when he was separated from the rest of his wolf hunting party.

He was last seen late that afternoon on his snowmobile, about 64 kilometres outside the hamlet of Repulse Bay.

Blizzard conditions hampered search efforts during most of the week.

Department of Community Government and Transportation regional director Shawn Maley said Milortok is "damn lucky" to be able to tell people about his ordeal.

He said there were more than 70 people involved with the search, counting those on the land, radio operators and emergency services personnel in Rankin Inlet.

"Guys have to start getting the message to take the proper equipment with them when they head out onto the land in case they get stuck, lost or separated from their group," said Maley.

"For Milortok to be out there and not have anything with him ... it's incredible that he's still alive."

Maley said the Repulse hunter was forced to walk after his machine broke down and was lucky to stumble onto a cabin equipped with a high-frequency radio.

Six rescuers from Repulse made it to the cabin, about 80 kilometres north of the hamlet, after hearing Milortok's call for help on the radio.

"Once they were on the scene, the SAR guys contacted the health centre and treated Harry (Milortok) for hypothermia before transporting him back to the hamlet. He's physically exhausted, but resting comfortably," said Maley.

"All things considered, he's in pretty decent shape."