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Convict escapes

Kevin Wilson
Northern News Services

Iqaluit (Oct 01/01) - An escape last weekend by a convicted sex offender is forcing the Baffin Correctional Centre to review its policies on outings.

"Whenever anyone leaves, there's a review," said Michael Simpson, acting director of corrections for Nunavut's Justice Department.

Noah Shoviga is serving a 16-month sentence for sexual assault.

The 26-year-old was participating in a supervised exercise program at Nakasuk elementary school on the evening of Sept. 21.

At around 10 p.m., the guard noticed he was missing from the group of 11 inmates taking part.

Simpson said BCC officials were surprised by Shoviga's escape. "My understanding is that there was no institutional behaviour problems," with the inmate.

Inmates at the facility are initially accorded few privileges when they begin their sentences. Those who abide by the rules are gradually given more and more privileges, such as exercise outings.

Following the escape, a search ensued, with police plastering the city with "wanted" flyers bearing Shoviga's picture. Police also moved a family with a connection to Shoviga out of their home while he was at large. Police did not say what connection the family had to the inmate.

Shoviga was captured without incident around noon the next day. He is scheduled to appear in court on Oct. 28.

Staff Sgt. Mike Jeffrey, RCMP detachment commander in Iqaluit, said Shoviga was found in a private home in Iqaluit.

"The information was received from an anonymous caller telling us that he was at this residence," said Jeffrey. "When we investigated, we found him there and he put up no resistance."

Jeffrey added that "at this time," no charges are being considered against the occupant of the home.

For the time being, Simpson says that outings for inmates have been cancelled while corrections officials continue their investigation.