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The word cancer causes us to run for charity and quake in fear. As the city reflects on the success of the Sept. 19 Terry Fox Run ($19,000 raised) and prepares for the Sunday's CIBC Run for the Cure (more than $100,000 raised in 2000), it's time to take note of what cancer means on a more important level.
Did you know that cancer is the fourth leading cause of health-care expenditures in Canada? In the Northwest Territories, it's responsible for the deaths of 33 per cent of our elders. Lung cancer is the most common killer.
A Health and Social Services Study released earlier this year indicates skin cancer is on the rise as well. It's the most common form of cancer and can be among the most deadly. In 2000, a total of 28 cases of skin cancer were reported in the NWT, excluding malignant melanomas. This most deadly form of skin cancer killed four people in the NWT in 1999 and five the year before that.
Cervical cancer among women is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the North. Prostate cancer among men remains a quiet killer; men don't like to talk about this most personal of cancers.
Put these statistics together with the fact that the number of NWT residents who have made it past the age of 60 is expected to double by 2020, and you can see the crunch that's coming. As important as the financial implications are, the impact of so many people dying from cancer is even greater.
Fighting back is easy. Donate to the cancer society. Eat well. Quit smoking. Know your body. Watch for signs of change.
Don't be afraid of talking to friends and family, your physician and make sure you take the appropriate screening tests.
Just in case anyone was wondering, the beaver, Castor canadensis to the zoology crowd, is not endangered, threatened or otherwise at risk. They were once, back in the fur trade days. Since then, beaver populations have bounced back across North America.
Today, their habitat seems to include Niven Lake. There, until a few days ago, at least one beaver had taken up residence, doing what beavers do best: damming the river that drains what many consider the city's ecological jewel.
No one has seen the creature since city crews dismantled the dam at the north end of the lake. That's not too surprising, as beavers are by nature primarily nocturnal rodents, preferring the shroud of night to go about their engineering projects. Kind of like raccoons, only more industrious.
Biologists say not to worry. There is no evidence of anything untoward happening to our slick little neighbour. But we are still a little troubled by the whole episode. Was it really necessary to destroy the dam? Was the Niven Lake trail really about to be flooded? Was there no alternative?
We hope this isn't a precursor to a more aggressive approach by the city. It has long viewed Niven Lake as the best place for residential development in the city. Already home to 44 lots, up to 350 could be built around the lake.
Many Yellowknifers have come to appreciate flora and fauna that are thriving in waste-pond-turned-wetland. It would be a shame if that one beaver dam is only the first of many casualties in the next wave of colonization of the area.
After all, ecosystems don't have to be endangered to be worth preserving. Here's to the beaver.
Editorial Comment
Darrell Greer
Kivalliq News
Jim Shirley of Rankin Inlet is absolutely right when he says the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 on the United States were on a way of life, not a building. There, more than anywhere else, lies the dilemma.
While we all appreciate and, to a certain extent, advocate increased security in our country to protect ourselves from terrorist attacks, we must exercise caution and reason when putting policies into effect.
No one at Canada Post, for example, has come forward to explain the logic behind the 36-hour holding period before mail over 250 grams in weight will be put on a passenger plane.
If we're talking terrorist bombs here, one can only hope they're using a cheap timer -- either very loud or only good up to 24 hours (which wouldn't be so great for anyone working at the post office).
As for air cargo requiring a package's content to be clearly labelled, well, that speaks for itself.
Terrorists may think nothing of claiming thousands of lives, but they'd never lie about what was in a package, especially if they have to put it in writing.
Terrorists know they can never win a war the conventional way. But, if they make us alter our lives -- the way we conduct ourselves in our own country -- the terrorists win.
If we have to exchange so many of our rights to feel safe, that we wake up one morning living in a police state -- the terrorists win.
There are no easy answers.
We here, living in the Kivalliq region, were affected by the attacks -- a tightly knit global community indeed.
Maybe the one effect of their attack these terrorists did not count on was the new-found appreciation for our freedom.
We no longer take it for granted.
There are people here in the Kivalliq region who are asking why these attacks should affect us in Nunavut. It's time for these people to take a look around and start appreciating what we have here in Canada and the rest of the free world. And how easily it can be taken away!
These weren't just attacks on Americans, they were attacks on democracy, free enterprise and freedom.
The terrorist attacks in Washington and New York City all too graphicly illustrated the price complacency can command. Freedom is the king of cliches when it comes to not appreciating what you have until it's gone!
Editorial Comment
Malcolm Gorrill
Inuvik Drum
The battle against cancer rages on.
This is a disease that continues to claim many lives, though certainly doctors and scientists have made a lot of strides over the last few decades in efforts to combat it more effectively.
Delta residents are taking part in this battle, raising funds for cancer research. Many communities took part recently in the 21st annual Terry Fox Run, raising funds and also paying tribute to the Marathon of Hope.
Another example would be the Cops for Cancer event held this past June in Inuvik.
It all goes to show that cancer can be beaten.
Breaking the cycle of violence
Cancer isn't the only thing which spreads sorrow within communities.
Domestic violence is an ongoing issue that often goes unnoticed.
About 40 people helped raise awareness of the issue last week in Inuvik during the Take Back the Night march. Balloons were released high into the sky to symbolize freeing those suffering from abuse. A poignant candlelight vigil was also held.
It was rightly pointed out that children learn from what they see and experience, making the need to break the cycle of domestic violence all the more important.
The event served as a reminder as well that staff at the Inuvik Transition House provide an important safe harbour for women and children throughout the region.
Changing seasons
Though the weather has been quite good as of late, there's no denying that some days there's been a distinct nip in the air. Fall has arrived, and the onset of the white stuff can't be far away now. Another sign of the changing of the seasons is that many groups and organizations are gearing up again after a summer break.
The Midnight Sun Recreation Complex was quite a busy spot last week during community registration. Adults and kids lined up to sign up for a variety of activities, ranging from girl guides to indoor soccer and, of course, the good old hockey game.
It's good that residents have such a variety of activities to take part in. However, it musn't be forgotten that these groups don't spring into being on their own.Volunteers start up these groups and keep them running. It's safe to say anyone interested in helping out would likely be welcomed with open arms by pretty much any such organization. Something to think about as the nights start getting longer.
Editorial Comment
Derek Neary
Deh Cho Drum, Fort Simpson
Understanding the effects of industrial activity on the land is a vital part in deciding whether or not to permit development. With that in mind, the Acho Dene Koe are planning a workshop, scheduled for next month, to make local people more aware of the impacts seismic activity has on the land and animals.
The topic is not only germane to Canadian Forest Oil's proposed seismic project near Fort Liard, but to a potential Mackenzie Valley pipeline. As Acho Dene Koe sub-chief Jim Duntra pointed out, many elders are completely unfamiliar with industrial activity. Therefore it's only natural that they should be apprehensive about its repercussions. In some cases, their concerns are justified, in other circumstances there's really little to fear as impacts are minimal.
There's also a need to continue studying the net result of existing development. A pipeline already runs from Norman Wells to Zama, Alta. What changes, if any, have hunters and trappers observed along that corridor?
There are those who may be tempted to accuse the Liidli Kue First Nation of being opposed to development. The proof seems irrefutable, after all, as it does send letters of concern pertaining to practically all proposed projects. Chief Rita Cli maintains that the band is simply protecting itself financially if an environmental disaster should occur. If they express opposition, they have a much greater chance of being compensated, she reasoned. In addition, and this is a key point, she said the LKFN understands that most of its letters of concern will not force projects to be cancelled. On the contrary, the majority proceed, but some wind up referred to environmental assessment. That in itself inevitably leads to delays while a more thorough evaluation takes place. Occasionally an impatient company will quash a project due to regulatory hurdles, but most, while frustrated, just accept the setback.
As much as blame can be levelled at the LKFN for constantly raising objections to development, blame can equally be placed on companies that don't plan for the worst case scenario. Until the regulatory regime in the NWT is streamlined or becomes more expedient, those are the conditions everyone has to tolerate.
Team approach
As Tuesday is the "deadline" day for the Drum, it's often a frantic one. However, some of the work was done in advance this week to make time for the Enbridge mock oil spill exercise, which took place Tuesday and Wednesday. The exercise is always a major production, and a fine example of co-ordination and teamwork. Look for photos and more details in next week's edition.