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Crash survivor fights for his life

Investigation underway into helicopter accident

Kirsten Murphy
Northern News Services

Clyde River (Aug 20/01) - The lone survivor of a fatal helicopter crash remains in critical condition.

Adam Paneak, 49, Clyde River narrowly surviving a helicopter crash on Baffin Island's west coast Aug. 9 and is now in an Ottawa hospital. "There's been no improvement in his condition. He remains in the intensive care unit under close observation," said hospital spokesperson Ron Vezina.

Paneak's parents and one sister flew to his bedside last week. Another sister Lizzie Palituq remained in Clyde River and was said to be in regular contact with the family.

Transportation Safety Board officials are investigating the crash, which killed Charles Caron, 35, of Quebec City and Mike Daniska, 22, of Victoria.

The crash site was near a Cominco Mine exploration camp north of Air Force Island between Hall Beach and Cape Dorset. The helicopter was operated by Heli-max Ltd., which is based in Trois Rivieres, Que.