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Teeth wars

Malcolm Gorrill
Northern News Services

Inuvik (Jun 15/01) - Move over Superman, here comes Mr. Molar.

He's the main character in A Sweet Tooth, a book penned by Lisa Rettman.

Rettman, dental therapist with the Inuvik Regional Health and Social Services Board, explained that A Sweet Tooth -- published about a month ago -- is the first in a series of books she's working on.

"They all have the same basic theme, they have one tooth that's the role model, which is Mr. Molar," Rettman said.

She explained that in her stories Molar's other tooth friends get into mischief, and he bails them out. Rettman said the moral of her stories is along the lines of always use flouride, or brush your teeth regularly, or something else that helps wage war against plaque and cavities.

In other words, Mr. Molar has adventures young kids can really sink their teeth into.

A Sweet Tooth was about five years in the making. Rettman said that when she was in dental school, she noticed there weren't many friendly books for kids about going to the dentist.

"The book itself was geared towards visiting the dentist and actually having a clinical aspect to it, and I wanted to take a different spin, a more friendly approach, and also one that kids could identify with."

Rettman received funding through the Health Promotion Fund (through the Department of Health and Social Services), which allowed her to have Artisan Press in Yellowknife print 300 copies. She was happy to get her hands on the first copies.

"I was very touched because Artisan Press did such a marvelous job colouring all the pages for me."

Rettman also drew cartoons for A Sweet Tooth, and noted that Artisan Press enhanced her cartoons by adding items such as earmuffs and scarves to lend a more Northern flavour.

Rettman has read her book to many classes at Sir Alexander Mackenzie school. She's also sent copies to community health representatives in nearby communities.

In fact, Rettman is applying for more funding to make 2,000 more copies of A Sweet Tooth to meet demand.

Rettman is hopeful that someday she'll be able to publish more of her stories, so that Mr. Molar will have another chance to shine.