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Fire strikes Turner family home

Malcolm Gorrill
Northern News Services

Inuvik (Jun 15/01) - A faulty fish tank pump has been deemed the cause of a house fire last week at 53 Alder St.

The fire at the home belonging to Brian Turner started in a bedroom and gutted that room, explained Lieut. Julie Miller of the Inuvik fire department.

She said the May 30 fire caused "a tremendous amount of smoke damage throughout the house."

Miller said the damage would have been worse except for the actions of the only one present, Turner's 13-year-old son, Scott.

Quick thinking

Miller explained Scott closed the doors in the house after finding the fire.

"By the time we got there the whole room was involved. If he hadn't closed the doors, it would have spread to the whole house prior to our arrival," Miller said.

"The heat was so incredibly high when we entered the structure that we were forced to go out to ventilate prior to entering," she said.

"It shows that kids can learn some about fire safety and can make a difference."

Fire fighters responded to the call at 2:10 p.m. Twelve members were involved.

Turner said on Tuesday that he's busy preparing his insurance claim, and that he feels he's "pretty close" to having enough coverage.

Turner said his home is damaged enough that he will save what he can from it and then rebuild.

Turner said fire fighters did their best, and noted the fire flared up again about three hours after it was put out.

"I was there when they left (the first time), and there was no sign or hint of smoke or heat, everything was soaked down," Turner said.

"I've got quite a bit of fire training and experience. It's just a case of the fire was hiding in the insulation, I guess. Then the wind came up a little later and fanned it."

A trust fund has been set up at CIBC for the Turner family. His wife is Maidie-Anne, and their other child, Carly, is 18.

Turner and his family stayed at the Finto Inn after the fire, and earlier this week they were in the process of moving into a place not far from their home.