Calgary councillor would banish bikers to the NWT
Jorge Barrera
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (May 07/01) - A Calgary city councillor said the Hells Angels belong in the Northwest Territories and not in his neighbourhood and the comment has raised the ire of Northern politicians.
"The gang should move to a rural, remote area--preferably the Northwest Territories," said Hodges in a Sun article last week.
Hodges made the off the cuff remark outside a courtroom after testifying against a Hells Angels gang member charged with trying to blow up the councillor's home.
Western Arctic MP Ethel Blondin-Andrew called Hodges remarks "unfortunate."
"It's an irrational and irresponsible act," said Blondin-Andrew in a prepared statement.
"It's not a well thought out comment," she said.
The territory's Premier Stephen Kakfwi called the comments an "absurdity".
"Why would anybody wish the Hells Angels on anybody?" said Kakfwi. "I bet next week he'll retract it," he said.
"I don't know where this Calgary city alderman is coming from," said Jim Antoine, NWT minister for the department of justice.
"I think that's ridiculous," said Antoine.
In a written statement, South Slave MLA Bill Braden said it was "pathetic" a politician from the country's richest province would suggest sloughing of internal problems to its neighbours.
"Using the NWT, or any other neighbour as a dumping ground isn't an option," said Braden in his statement.
"(Hodges) needs to be reminded that 30 cents of every dollar spent here goes directly into Alberta...isn't that enough?" said Braden.
Yellowknife Mayor Gord Van Tighem found little humour in the statement but it didn't surprise him that it came from a Calgary city politician.
"It reminds me of Ralph Kline as mayor of Calgary in the 80's saying 'we don't want those Eastern creeps and bums'," said Van Tighem, referring to statement Kline made about people from the Atlantic provinces emigrating to Calgary.
"It's not out of character," said Van Tighem.
Van Tighem said he was planning to fire off a letter outlining his displeasure.
Yellowknfie city councillor Blake Lyons said Hodges must have been under great stress to say something so inane.
"I don't think anyone in a sensible state (of mind) could make such a comment," said Lyons.
"I would hope he would reconsider and offer an appropriate apology," he said.
Lyons said he hoped the city would take a stand against the statement.
Despite two days of repeated attempts to contact Hodges, he never returned a phone call.
Hodges, a veteran councillor of 18 years, shut down a Hells Angels clubhouse in his Calgary ward.