Mike W. Bryant
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (May 11/01) - Most people attending this weekend's spring trade show will likely not have danger on their minds.
After all, going to a trade show hardly seems a risky venture -- no more than going on a shopping trip to the mall.
Yet if one were to consider the number of parents with children in tow making the weekend event, the possibility of slips, falls, scraped knees and bruises might leave room for some concern.
That's why the St. Johns Ambulance Brigade will be out in force ensuring the trade show floor is safe for children and grown-ups alike.
"Should there be anyone that gets hurt we will be there to provide first aid," says Ponchit Santos, territorial commissioner for St. Johns Ambulance.
Even though there has never been an incident involving a serious injury at the trade show before, Santos says minor cuts and abrasions do happen time to time. That is why the brigade will be keeping watch with first aid kits in hand.
The brigade is made up of volunteers 20 years old and up.
They will likely be joined by their younger counterparts, the St. Johns Ambulance Crusaders, ages 16 to 20, and cadets, ages 11 to 15.
St. John's Ambulance will have two booths of their own at the trade show, including a sales booth with a wide assortment of first aid items to offer -- everything from industrial first aid kits to CPR pocket kits that fit on your key chain or belt buckle.
The main emphasis, however, will still be on safety. Santos is hoping their presence, besides adding a little reassurance against injury, will encourage trade show goers to think about volunteering themselves.
"We're always in need of volunteers," Santos says.
"One thing about being at the trade show is that it allows us to be more in the public eye and get people interested in what we do for the community."