Kevin Wilson
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Apr 06/01) - What would you rather have, a Hummer or a hundred grand? A Fat Boy, or a fat wallet?
Yellowknife's Ted and Joan Elvey were confronted with that enviable dilemma after the YK Gymnastics club pulled their ticket out of the hopper Sunday night.
Alexanderina Peters had to make a similar decision when her numbers came up in the YK Elks' Club Fat Boy Raffle.
"We'd always said we'd just take the money if we won," Ted Elvey said after the $100,000 cheque was safely pocketed. Still, after looking at their winnings, the decision wasn't as cut and dried.
"Once you've actually won it and have to make the decision, it's tough," he said.
The monster sport utility vehicle, parked outside the club's Airport Road facility, provided the backdrop for the cheque presentation Tuesday evening.
With a stiff southerly wind blowing, and no giant novelty cheque available to present to the winners, everyone involved in the handoff was especially cautious.
Peters' handoff was a little more serene, her newly acquired Harley Davidson Fat Boy motorcycle awaiting her inside Centre Square Mall.
"It looks so big," she exclaimed. When she the call came that she had won the raffle, Peters said she thought someone was pulling her leg.
"I'd thought the draw was supposed to be in June, and I knew April Fool's was just around the corner," said Peters. A trip to Centre Square the next day confirmed that her win was no joking matter.
Peters is also opting for the cash, although she'll have to sell it herself. "I asked my dad, what am I going to do with this thing," she said.
Dad recommended selling and that's exactly what she's going to do.