Explosion leads to three-pronged investigation
Dawn Ostrem
Northern News Services
Inuvik (Apr 30/01) - Three government agencies are investigating an industrial accident that may have left a 20-year-old seismic worker with impaired vision.
WesternGeco worker Dave Dreger was cleaning a test hole April 20 when a delayed blow-out spewed a geyser of rock and mud into his face and eyes.
Dreger was airlifted to Inuvik and then sent to Calgary for treatment.
A Worker's Compensation Board inspector was in Inuvik last week as part of the investigation by the National Energy Board, Natural Resources Canada and the WCB.
"The incident occurred on a site which is under the jurisdiction of the NEB with respect to health and safety," David Clarke, WCB director of prevention services David Clarke said in a prepared statement.
"The manufacture, sale and storage of explosives falls under the explosives division of NRC. Certification of the worker at the work site falls under legislation administered by the WCB."
WesternGeco has changed how it operates seismic crews in the Mackenzie-Delta for the remainder of the season which is expected to end this week.