Malcolm Gorrill
Northern News Services
Inuvik (Apr 13/01) - A year-round pool prompted the most discussion during a meeting last week on a proposed second recreation centre for the town.
The consensus among the roughly 20 people at the April 5 meeting was if the project were to go ahead, the pool should be done right or not at all.
In other words, it should be at least 25 metres long (the minimum competitive length) and deep.
The meeting was at the Midnight Sun Recreation Complex, and the pool was just one of many items they suggested should be put into the proposed rec centre. A fitness centre, playground centre and racquet courts were other possibilities mentioned.
There was also discussion about possible sources of funding for building, and then operating, the proposed centre. Some possibilities included governments and corporations.
Mayor Peter Clarkson said new techniques might allow for a pool to be built cheaper here. He said a lot of smaller pools aren't built with cement like before.
Some newer pools, Clarkson said, "are basically huge stainless steel bathtubs with a plastic liner."
He said Dawson, which is smaller than Inuvik, has just built this type of pool.
"It makes it a lot easier and more affordable."
Clarkson said that if other items, such as a fitness centre, were to be included along with a pool, it might help reduce operating costs for the building and generate more revenue too.
Clarkson said the meeting was a good first step.
"People are concerned about the costs and how the community will use it, but I think everyone agreed that it's something the community needs, and it makes our community a healthier community."
Another public meeting will be held April 26. At that time people can look at concept drawings based on the ideas expressed at last week's meeting. A steering committee may also be formed at the next meeting.