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Growth restriction

Waiting list at greenhouse

Malcolm Gorrill
Northern News Services

Inuvik (Mar 30/01) - Although snow still blankets the ground in Inuvik, the growing season has already started.

Carrie Young, co-ordinator for the Community Garden Society, planted about 500 seedlings at her home since the start of this month.

They are for the hydroponic section of the commercial area in the second floor of the greenhouse. Society members grow plants in the 74 plots on the main floor.

And it seems many folks are eager to getting growing.

There are between 100 to 120 society members, but they cannot rent more than one plot this year.

The reason for the restriction is to try and clear up the waiting list, said Young.

She added the coming season will be exciting, in part because it's her first as co-ordinator.

"It's a lot of responsibility but I'm looking forward to it," Young said. "We've learned a lot of things from last year, so we'll be all the more prepared."

Members are making some renovations to one area of the greenhouse. This area is cordoned off at the first of the season while Young plants seedlings and does transplanting.

"We're sort of building a mini greenhouse inside there. We're going to be putting poly on the insides of the windows, just to keep in more heat," Young said.

"So we're concerned about spending a lot of money on heating, which is probably our biggest expense, aside from supplies."

Plans are also in the works this summer to rig up the vent above the members' plots area so that it'll open once a certain temperature is reached inside.

Young said she's planning on having a lot of volunteers assist her this year.

"People are quite interested in helping out and learning about that whole operation."

The society will conduct workshops again this year, and Young is to conduct one this evening (Thursday) at 7 p.m. at the library. The topic is starting seeds at home. The Community Garden Society of Inuvik holds its annual general meeting May 5-6. An open house will be held at that time.