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Cafe in need

Wildcat approved for much-needed repairs

Jorge Barrera
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Mar 28/01) - The City of Yellowknife is giving the Wildcat Cafe a much needed overhaul, council decided Monday night.

After lengthy debate council unanimously gave adminstration the go-ahead to begin repairing the cafe beneath a $20,000 cap, with a small opening for additional funds.

"I'm very encouraged the city is taking responsibility in maintaining and repairing the building," said Mary McCreadie, board member of the Old Stope Association, caretakers of the cafe since 1978.

Some council members initially balked at the idea, citing the need for more time.

"I wouldn't like to see it proceed without giving administration clear terms," said Woytuik. The debate turned around when Coun. Wendy Bisaro moved to break the original motion into three parts.

The original motion directed administration to repair the cafe, develop terms for a request for proposals to run a restaurant in the cafe and negotiate a new lease with the Old Stope Association.

Woytuik moved to put a $20,000 cap amendment on the first part.

The second part of the motion was amended to include the Old Stope Association in the development of terms by Bisaro.

The second amendment met heavy resistance from Coun. Blake Lyons who said it tied administration's hands.

He said the city's Heritage Committee, which expressed interest for more involvement Monday night, should be allowed input.

The third part of the motion dealing with lease negotiations with the association was referred back to committee.

The association has leased the cafe and land for $1 a year from the city.

The association wants the city to take a more active role in the preserving the cafe.