Clarkson says town should gain control now
Malcolm Gorrill
Northern News Services
Inuvik (Mar 23/01) - Meetings on how to allocate commissioner's lands in the area aren't going well, according to Mayor Peter Clarkson.
The first meeting was held in December. Clarkson said that aside from the town, other parties involved in the process include the Nihtat Gwich'in Council, Inuvik Community Corp., Gwich'in Tribal Council, Inuvialuit Regional Corp., and MACA.
Peter Clarkson |
"What we're seeing now is a land grab before the lands are transferred over to the municipality. We just in principle have thought that's wrong," Clarkson said.
"The town's position is that all commissioner's lands should come to the municipality. That's what happens in the self-government agreement, that it goes to the local community government.
"We feel that's what should happen even beforehand, and that land shouldn't be given to individual groups."
Clarkson said the town is willing to sit down with any group to discuss land use.
He said it's unfair if a group can buy a lot relatively cheaply, especially in the commercial/industrial area. He said that, in effect, gives a group an unfair advantage, and also means that others subsidize the services done on that lot.
"That type of move plays against the harmony and working relationship that we try to create in the community," Clarkson said.