Willows overseeing change in roles
Malcolm Gorrill
Northern News Services
Inuvik (Mar 16/01) - There are changes brewing within the NWT Power Corporation, and that suits Brian Willows just fine.
Last fall, Willows became director for the Delta Sahtu regions for NWTPC. He said the corporation has streamlined its management and supervisory positions.
"We've gone to a sort of a team concept," Willows said. "The teams have their own particular work units, the work units being generation, customer service, and administration."
Willows explained that by the spring, there are to be two other directors like himself within the NWT -- one for the North Slave region, and another for South Slave-Deh Cho.
"As we're moving to this team group concept, it's developing the role of director for a hands on sort of micromanager, and releasing and creating time for us to be able to spend more time with our major customers," Willows said.
"That's what the focus of this job is. And allowing the team leaders to lead their teams," he said.
"I'm one of those people that like change, and I think this is a real opportunity for the employees here in this region to get used to the fact they have the ability to empower themselves."
Willows said this will be a different way of doing business, as most utilities generally follow a command and control structure.
Willows said a typical day often consists of spending a lot of time on the phone or in meetings. He also sees to administration items and is involved in customer complaints.
"There's a number of things that go on in the corporation that don't necessarily have to do with the day to day operation of keeping the lights on and that."
Willows was in Yellowknife prior to accepting his Inuvik posting. Originally from Victoria, he came North when about 22, looking for work, and except for about an eight-year break has resided North ever since.
"I love the outdoors. I love the North. In some ways it's the last frontier. People can still be who they want to be," Willows said.
He worked his way up within NWTPC, having been a power electrician/lineman, plant superintendent, line supervisor, area maintenance superintendent, and manager of safety/environmental affairs.