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Water warm-up

Pool gets bigger furnace

Malcolm Gorrill
Northern News Services

Inuvik (Mar 16/01) - As spring brings warmer temperatures, the water at the pool will also heat up this year. A new furnace will be installed amid repairs conducted to the Inuvik pool this spring.

Due to the furnace an additional $13,000 will be added to the roughly $50,000 originally allocated to the pool project.

Coun. Garry Smith, chair of the public works committee, said the furnace will be a permanent one and provide more heat than the previous heater.

"The duct work is going to go all the way around the pool, and then blow up through the walkways," Smith said.

He added the air will disperse throughout the building instead of in just one area, like before.

"It's going to be a bigger one, but it's run on natural gas."

Smith pointed out that the town will save money by buying the furnace.

"It was costing approximately $6,000 a year to rent that other temporary heater, which was put in there about four years ago as a temporary stop gap when the old furnace quit, the old heater."

Other work to be done at the pool include repairing the liner.

"Inuvik Works is going to do a lot of the demolition portion of it," Smith said, "and will probably help with the installation of the new framework and what not."