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Down in the Dumps

Woman throws trash on street to get action

Darrell Greer
Northern News Services

Rankin Inlet (Mar 14/01) - A Rankin Inlet woman had to scatter her garbage across a local street to get the hamlet's attention.

Pelagie Sharp has been waging a battle for the past two months with the hamlet over garbage fees.

She says although she received her cans after scattering her garbage, she shouldn't have had to take such action.

"I reached the point where I was totally disgusted with the hamlet," says Sharp.

"I started getting bills for about $300 for garbage that was never picked up and I couldn't even get cans from the hamlet so they could start picking up my garbage."

Senior administrative officer Ron Roach says as part of the hamlet getting its finances in order, people were matched up with lots according to the hamlet's community plan.

Sharp, at that time, was one of about 100 people who were not being charged the garbage fee.

"Once we heard from her we did give her the garbage cans she requested, but, for some unknown reason, those garbage cans left," says Roach.

"We also sent her a letter explaining the hamlet's policy of having a $25 fee whether you haul your garbage to the dump or not.

"That $25 doesn't only go towards covering wages and the operation of the vehicle, it also covers the cost of maintaining the dump which is in a terrible state of disarray."

Roach says the extra revenue from the 100 new clients will be used to clean the dump site up this summer.

"Her (Sharp) arrears stem from when she moved into her new home this past summer and I found out she wasn't being invoiced.

"Before that, she was never charged for garbage pickup.

"We didn't back date any invoices whatsoever."

Roach says people have to understand the hamlet was in a debt situation and had become very unorganized.

Those days, he says, are over.

"We've reconciled all of the bills to the actual people living in the houses and they are now up to date.

"We're trying to deal with every situation in a professional manner and if anyone else has any complaints I would ask them to please phone me at the hamlet office."

Sharp still thinks the hamlet could have been more understanding in addressing her concerns, but she's willing to start fresh.

"I told the hamlet months ago I'd start paying my monthly bill and the amount I owed if they would just bring me garbage cans for the front of my house.

"I waited almost two months, but I'm happy I finally have my cans and now I'll start paying my bill."