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Hamlets get bigger voice

Promise by new DevCorp chair

Darrell Greer
Northern News Services

Rankin Inlet (Feb 05/01) - Smaller hamlets across Nunavut now have a bigger voice within the Nunavut Development Corp. (DevCorp).

Coral Harbour's Jackie Nakoolak was named as the new chairperson of the corporation this past week by Sustainable Development Minister Olayuk Akesuk.

Nakoolak succeeds Peter Tatty of Rankin Inlet, who stepped down due to other commitments.

Tatty will stay on as board member.

Nakoolak said he sees his appointment as an opportunity to make the voices of smaller Nunavut communities heard at the territorial level.

"In some ways, I view the existing board as being fairly strong, but I think more of an effort can be made at creating jobs in smaller communities across Nunavut," said Nakoolak.

DevCorp is owned by the Nunavut Government and operates eight businesses throughout the territory related to meat and fish processing, and arts and crafts production.

Nakoolak has sat on various boards for more than 30 years, including being chairperson of the Coral Harbour Hunters and Trappers Organization and a member of the Nunavut Water Board.