Mayor likes fact taxpayers wouldn't foot the bill
Malcolm Gorrill
Northern News Services
Inuvik (Feb 02/01) - Mayor Peter Clarkson says he likes the fact taxpayers aren't being asked to foot the bill for developing needed infrastructure for a proposed subdivision.
"That frees up the town," Clarkson said.
He referred to another project in the past where the town did get involved.
"When we developed the Ptarmigan Hill subdivision, the town had to go out and borrow money. So the taxpayers, in a sense, were responsible for that development," Clarkson said.
"If anything would have happened, if we wouldn't have sold the lots or whatever, the town then would have had to pass the cost along to the taxpayers."
Council was to hold a special meeting yesterday (Wednesday) to discuss the proposal. One topic was to be Northern Management's request for the town to hand over the land free of charge.
Clarkson said council would need to see whether they'd be willing to do that, and if so, what conditions they might ask for.
The land is currently zoned for single family homes, and the proposal does call for several multi-family units.
"The zoning is fine, at least for now," Clarkson said, pointing out that the zoning would have to be changed as the project proceeded.