Health board short three members
Jorge Barrera
Northern News Services
Fort Smith (Feb 12/01) - Health care in Fort Smith took an unhealthy hit last Friday.
The community lost two doctors and the chief executive officer of the Health and Social Services Board.
"We can't afford to lose any physicians there," said Health Minister, Jane Groenewegen. "It's a potential trouble spot."
The doctors, husband and wife team Gary and Carol Benson, could not be reached for comment at press time.
The pair were the only permanent doctors in the community. The department is now looking for locum physicians --interim doctors -- to ensure medical services continue.
"We'll be working hard to make sure there isn't a stop in service," said Groenewegen.
Sources close to the couple say they quit for reasons unrelated to the current problems plaguing the board.
And three key positions are now vacant on the Fort Smith board.
In addition to CEO Brent Woodford's resignation, the board's human resources manager and chief financial officer resigned a few months ago.
Groenewegen said her department is waiting until the remaining board members meet with health workers next week to decide on a strategy.