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Club's trailer axed

Snowmobile club trailer vandalized

Richard Gleeson
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Jan 31/01) - One day before the trails of the Yellowknife Ski Club were torn up by snowmobile tracks, someone took an axe to a small trailer owned by the Great Slave Snowmobile Association.

Located on Vee Lake, the four metre trailer was used for race registration and as a place to warm up.

During the three years the association has had it there, the trailer has suffered no harm, association treasurer Jeff Pitre said.

"It's too bad," said Pitre of the vandalism. "We use it on weekends and we leave it open for people who might want to get warm. It's like the same thing that happened with the ski club, it's disappointing when you have volunteers who put in their time then something like this happens."

The damage occurred either late in the night Jan. 18 or in the wee hours of the morning of the 19th, Pitre said. The ski club trails were trashed the next night.

Pitre said it appears the vandal or vandals did not even enter the unlocked trailer. Nothing inside, including a small public address system, was disturbed.

"They just went around and smacked everything up and then took their axes to the walls," Pitre said.

"It's obviously somebody partying or kids because there's no reason for it."

Pitre said he will likely haul the trailer back into town and repair it himself.

The incident was not reported to the RCMP. Pitre said he has no idea who did the damage.

"I haven't heard anything yet," he said.