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Seeking a new home

Day care officials examining options

Malcolm Gorrill
Northern News Services

Inuvik (Dec 08/00) - Midnight Sun Daycare is looking for a new home, but is under no pressure to find one immediately, says board member Mike Conway.

The day care is housed in Inuvik Regional Hospital, but there is no room for it in the new hospital that's under construction.

Conway said the day care will have to move sometime within the next two years.

"The board is looking at a number of possibilities but at this time nothing is decided," Conway said.

Meanwhile, Mayor Peter Clarkson said the town is examining the possibility of having one of Aurora College's residences converted for the day care.

"It would address some of the needs the college has, and it would address some of the needs the town has also for day care," he said.

Parents, the Department of Education, Culture and Employment, and fund raising events all contribute to the day care's finances.

Conway said the board is focusing on providing a caring and nurturing environment at the day care, which is licenced for 42 children.

"We are staffing the facility with early childhood educators to ensure the program provides the best care possible, and stimulates the children's educational needs," Conway said.

Two new members will join the staff of five later this month.