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Result 'good for Inuvik'

Local impact from election discussed

Malcolm Gorrill
Northern News Services

Inuvik (Dec 01/00) - A majority Liberal government, and the re-election of Western Arctic Liberal MP Ethel Blondin-Andrew, will benefit this area, says Inuvik Mayor Peter Clarkson.

Blondin-Andrew is very familiar with the Beaufort Delta, and it is good to have an MP who's on the same side as the government, the mayor said.

"She's approachable and, in general, in the past 12 years she has worked hard for her constituents. She has a willingness to work with all NWT communities."

The president of the Gwich'in Tribal Council, Fred Carmichael, said it's good for the area to have a government MP and is very pleased the Liberals got another majority.

"They did a good job in the past. They've made some money and now it should overflow," Carmichael said. "We've had a good working relationship with the government and should continue to do so."

Carmichael expected the Liberal majority, although perhaps not as big a one as they achieved.

Clarkson said it's hard to predict how people are going to vote across the country, but that the results were pretty much what he expected.

Clarkson said the election wasn't that hot a topic in the community.

"I don't know if there were any big issues. Everybody was kind of beating the same drum," he said