Kids, parents create National Child Day poster
Malcolm Gorrill
Northern News Services
Inuvik (Nov 24/00) - Many children and their parents had a hand in designing a poster presented to the Inuvik Regional Hospital Monday.
The poster commemorated the eighth annual National Child Day. It features hand prints made by children and their parents.
Teacher Patti Male has organized the poster project at Inuvik Preschool for the past six years.
"It was a nice way to get the parents involved," Male explained.
"We had a few parents join us this morning and stay all day."
Male said that most parents left their palm prints when they picked up their children at the end of the day.
"It's really important to do it at preschool," Male said. Getting parents involved at this stage in their children's education encourages them to remain involved.
"I don't think a child learns unless they have the parental involvement."
Male said the event is always a hit with the children.
"They like to see the parents get messy, too."
She said there has always been a good level of parental involvement at Inuvik Preschool. Male has been involved with the preschool for about 10 years.
Male said "it's a lot of work to set up the poster."
Male and her teaching assistant, Shannon Ploughman, spent three hours one evening last week getting the poster ready. After all the imprints are made, she and Ploughman filled in white spaces with hearts, and then presented the poster to the hospital.
Male encouraged parents to spend time at the Preschool on National Child Day.
The names of all who helped with the poster were entered in a draw for T-shirts and other prizes.
Nov. 20 was designated National Child Day to commemorate the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of the Child on Nov. 20, 1959 and Canada's adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child on Nov. 20, 1989.