Council needs to do homework: Carmichael
Malcolm Gorrill
Northern News Services
Fort McPherson (Nov 24/00) - The newly-elected president of the Gwich'in Tribal Council (GTC) stressed cooperation in his closing remarks here at the GTC's 18th annual general assembly.
Earlier this month Fred Carmichael defeated incumbent Richard Nerysoo for the presidency, and in his speech Carmichael said he hoped to continue to work with Nerysoo.
"I know I need his help. I need everybody's help. That's the whole thing about being united," Carmichael said.
Forty-eight delegates and 11 board members from Fort McPherson, Inuvik, Aklavik and Tsiigehtchic attended the four-day assembly, which wrapped up Saturday. Carmichael said they showed they can work together, and that they had accomplished a lot but still had much to do.
"Our challenge now is to keep this unity and cooperation going," he said.
"We need to do homework like the school kids do."
Afterwards, GTC vice-president James Wilson agreed things went well.
"It was well conducted, a lot of things came out," Wilson said.
"Unity was kind of the election process and it really shows today, these past four days. There's a commitment by everyone to start getting things moving."