Yellowknife (Oct 06/00) - Incisive opinion, biting comment and good writing by Northern journalists has caught the eye of the newspaper industry in Alberta.
At the recent Alberta Weekly Newspaper Association Awards of Excellence competition, The Slave River Journal in Fort Smith won second place for editorial writing, Yellowknifer won second place with a guest column by Eric Watt, while the Hay River Hub took second place for best feature story.
Former Yellowknifer reporter Dane Gibson took third place in the best feature story category.
The real 'F' word was the headline for the Slave River Journal's winning editorial. The 'F' word was funding and the editorial asked why so many agencies and public bodies were so reluctant to hear the question asked about their programs.
"Uncommon style and its imaginative choice of subject matter," was behind the judges' appreciation.
Retired journalist Eric Watt's column in Yellowknifer took on officials of the formidable Department of Indian and Northern Affairs, chastising them for obstructing progress on a new diamond mine. "A cold blast of cold arctic air on one's face!" said the judges.
Sean Percy of the Hay River Hub wrote his winning feature story on Dewey Stickney, a veterinarian who travels the countryside in an 18-wheeler complete with surgical room, office, even a waiting room.
"The story works," said the judges, "largely because of the rich detail provided about this pioneering professional venture and the man who runs it."
Gibson came right behind the Hub's entry with a dramatic account of a fatal car accident on the Ingraham Trail.
"A restrained and respectful story containing a powerful message about road safety," the judges commented.