Glen Vienneau
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Oct 06/00) - AIDS Yellowknife had no choice but to lay off three staff members earlier this week after funding from Health Canada for the organization's outreach program wasn't renewed.
"We're down, but not out," said Lorne Gushue, AIDS Yellowknife board president.
Gushue says the board will continue to operate its programs through the use of volunteers.
Volunteers have taken over the positions of administrative assistant and community outreach co-ordinator.
Fortunately, the position of alcohol and drug youth outreach co-ordinator will likely be saved from the cuts, Gushue said, because of the funding the board gets from the Yellowknife Health and Social Services Board.
He said because of the nature of the funding, every year the board had to come up with a new project.
The funding for the outreach programs ranged from $20,000 to $40,000 depending on the year, he said.
AIDS Yellowknife focuses its programs on prevention through community education, because of the low number of AIDS carriers in the territory, said Gushue.
For those suffering from HIV, the centre provides modest financial assistance, referrals to other support organizations, housing and job advocacy.
Other funding come from fund-raisers, business sponsors and from the GNWT Department of Health and Social Services.
"They're (Health Canada) giving us the opportunity to re-apply and to re-focus our board," Gushue said.
He said the board is working on a new proposal which will better outline the programs that will be offered.
The application deadline is the end of this month.
The board is also looking to move into smaller office space with cheaper overhead.
"The cost that were associated in the past are going to be very different," said Gushue.
"We will re-emerge from this, hopefully a better organization for the community."