Bruce Christensen
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Oct 04/00) - The man who has run a popular place for teens to go and hang out in Yellowknife will be taking some time off.
Kevin Laframboise, co-ordinator of the Side Door, located in the basement of the Anglican Church, is taking time off Oct. 1 for personal reasons.
"I need a break," said Laframboise. "I haven't had a break in over two years."
He also said that it is slow right now for the Side Door Youth Group, so it's probably a good time to take a break.
The Side Door is a place teens can hang out on a Thursday and Saturday and have a good time. They can play Dreamcast, Playstation, N64, pool, choose their own music from a wide variety of new music, surf the Web or just sit down and watch television.
The centre also occasionally has free pizza and movies from the video store.
Laframboise doesn't have plans as of yet on what he will be doing when he returns to the centre on Nov. 2.
But he expects to open a new Side Door in a building donated by the city sometime next year. He is looking for a new name for the centre and is asking youth for some suggestions.
Side Door has been open for five years and has entertained numerous youth. The centre has recently received substantial funding from the Royal Bank to develop the Junior Side Door After School Program.
The program is free and will be offering programming in healthy cooking, tutoring in homework, computer training, ceramics, crafts, drama, music, Internet, field trips, community outreach, respecting others, sports and games.
The program is for youth in elementary school and will be starting Oct. 23 from after school to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday.
The program will be run by Heather Smith, LeFramboise's new assistant.