Jack Danylchuk
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Oct 04/00) - Stanton Regional Hospital will combine its pediatric and surgical wards next Tuesday, a move that will save the hospital $350,000 a year, said the hospital board's chief executive officer.
Although the hospital had a deficit of $1.3 million last year, the expected savings were not the driving force behind the amalgamation, Stanton's Chief Executive Officer Dennis Cleaver said Tuesday.
The hospital is combining the medical and surgical daycare, respiratory therapy and dialysis units in an area now occupied by the surgical ward.
Cleaver said reason for the change is a shift to day surgery and a corresponding decrease in the number days patients spend in hospital recuperating from operations.
Existing vacancies mean that none of the 10 employees -- eight nurses, a nursing assistant and a clerical worker -- affected by the change will be laid off, he said.
"We have jobs for everyone if they choose to take them," he said. The hospital will provide on-the-job training and cover the costs of any courses required.
Cleaver said that the change will not have any impact on the length of wait for surgery at the hospital.
"During peak periods ... beds will be increased to accommodate the work loads," he said in a press release.