Constituency assistant does it all
Kerry McCluskey
Northern News Services
Cambridge Bay (Oct 30/00) - Being a constituency assistant for a member of the Nunavut Legislative Assembly is a bit like being a jack-of-all-trades -- or, in this case, a jill-of-all-trades.
Kitty Etegik, judging by her sense of quiet confidence, is the master of them all.
Hired to work for Kelvin Ng -- the MLA for Cambridge Bay -- Etegik is responsible for making sure constituents' views and concerns get on to Ng's plate. "You're an eye and an ear for the community," said Etegik.
Hamlet residents are always dropping by the office to ask for her assistance in dealing with their problems.
That puts Etegik front and centre on the firing line, and she likes her role in the community.
"You get to know what's going on in the Nunavut government and the community and how you can help," said Etegik.
First and foremost she said, are requests and concerns about the shortage of work opportunities in the hamlet.
"It's mostly about the government and work and small businesses. They do want to see more jobs," she said.
As well as bringing their concerns to Ng and maintaining his office in Cambridge Bay, Etegik said she is also called upon to act as an escort.
That might sound easy, but her latest trip outside of the region required her to act as a chaperon for two teenagers hired to work as pages in the Legislative Assembly.
The prospect of watching over teenagers in a large community is enough to weaken the knees of many adults, but Etegik took it in stride.
"It comes with the's fun," said Etegik.
"They're pretty good students and they know what's right and wrong," she said.