Barbara Dunphy
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Oct 27/00) - A sign, FREE for the day, spa, food and beverages, at Spa Arctique this sounded enticing and pulled the customers in, I was but one of many.
Clients were greeted warmly by the owner and staff, given a tour of the facilities, shown the selection of products available and the Decleor mini-spa sampling stations, located downstairs and spa treatment areas upstairs. A National Decleor spa trainer from Vancouver was in attendance for the whole day to answer questions.
As you enter the premises of Merle Norman Cosmetic and Fragrance Studio in the Centre Square Mall you see a vast display of products. Men's products, a Calvin Klein section, lotions, cremes, exfoliants and aromatic oils. Fragrances are in a section by themselves and there are numerous samples to choose from and try on or take home.
Ina DuToit, hostess said, "I am a customer but came in tonight as a volunteear, to help out."
Work stations were set up for makeovers, manicures, pedicures, and sampling of products on the main floor.
Upstairs there were facilities for men and women to indulge themselves in a sampling of what treatments were available. One client was being treated to a foot massage and was oblivious to everything but the experience. Also available were leg treatments, facial massages, makeovers, full body wraps, waxing, etc.
There were rooms to change in, have a shower, with complimentary products to use and a mirror and seating to re-apply make-up, do your hair, at the end of a relaxing spa day.
There were spaces to just lounge in, areas with comfortable chairs to relax in, to drink a cup of tea, read, or visit with others while waiting for the next treatment. In an atmosphere of aromatherapy. Spending an hour or hours being pampered by the staff.
The anti-gravity masseuse
I was treated to the experience of a facial massage in the capable hands of Pamela Pathon, a trained Esthetician. Originally from Capetown, South Africa, Pam had been an employee, since June of this year.
I wrapped myself into a long luxurious robe that was supplied for my comfort and was assisted onto a massage table. Pillows were propped behind me and I was told to lay back, relax and enjoy.
My hair was pulled up and away from my neck, and my scalp massaged with firm but soothing strokes.
Pam then cleansed away make-up, and my eyes were covered with cooling scented pads. Next some toner, exfoliating creme, lotion and oils were applied, one after the other with upward strokes and gentle pressure. Pam was explaining the benefits of each product as she applied it with an ever-upward soothing technique.
My personal masseuse of the moment was also explaining the effects of gravity on our skin and the methods to combat the ravages of time, using upward strokes, always to help foil the inevitable process. I tried to take notes but was mesmerized into inactivity.
The massage started from the collarbone, up the sides and back of my neck, from the chin, along the jawline, a gentle stroking, kneading up, to the cheek bones, mouth, nose to the temples and eyebrows. Soothing upward strokes around the eyes and forehead and into the scalp. Thoroughly enjoying the scents, the coolness of the patches on my eyes. I shut the world out and simply enjoyed.
It was wonderful
This was not a frivolous expenditure of time, this was a wholly therapeutic experience for body and soul.
It was like stepping into a sensuous self-indulgent world with soothing music, an array of products, a variety of complimentary scents, subdued voices and soft lighting, professionals and volunteers ready and waiting to assist you. It was wonderful.
Decleor/National sales trainer, France Vaillancourt-Ehling, from Vancouver was pulling the customers in with enticing specials. She was showing Aaron MacKay of Yellowknife some of the new men's products with a gentle massage to his hands.
France explained that she "had been a trainer for 13 years and mainly co-ordinates events, here (in Yellowknife) and elsewhere." And this studio was working very well together as a team.
The trainer confided she "loved Yellowknife and would be leaving tomorrow (Tuesday)." She added, "I'm sad to leave" and she was wanting to come back for the dog races.
There were complimentary samples, prizes of gifts and certificates for any of the products and services offered.
Kim Staples, owner, explained, "It was quite a group who collaborated to come up with a design" for the studio.
It took architect, interior designer, the owner, suppliers and workers to pull it all together. They created a relaxing atmosphere using bright colours toned down by draped fabric on the ceiling diffusing the full spectrum lighting and enhancing the effect.
I loved the products and would like to experience a full body wrap, next.