Tara Kearsey
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Oct 25/00) - If you have a library book sitting on a dusty shelf at home while the overdue fees are racking up, you'd better return it by Nov. 10!
The Yellowknife Public Library is having an amnesty period between Oct. 29 and Nov. 10 to encourage people to return outstanding books, videos, cassettes and CD's. Those who return library materials during that time will not be required to pay any late fees.
There are approximately 1,776 library items that are overdue, some dating back to 1998, said Deborah Bruser, public services librarian.
"We're in the process now of calling individuals to alert them that they have an opportunity to return these without charge," she said.
Bruser said there are many reasons why library patrons are not returning borrowed material.
"I imagine that they really feel that once they have the item in their little hands, it's theirs, or they're just reluctant to part with it. I'm sure they have varied reasons for not returning things.
"But it does put quite a hole in our collection, most definitely," said Bruser.
Tracking down overdue items is "an enormous job," she said, since it involves a significant amount of paperwork and phone calls.
The library charges 10 cents per day for each overdue item, with the exception of videos, which have a late charge of $1 per day. The maximum late fee for videos is $10 per year and $5 per year for all other items.
That's not too steep, but Bruser said some patrons have several outstanding items.
"For some people who had, for example, three videos and seven books out it could certainly add up."
But it's a far cry from what they will have to pay if the items are not returned by Nov. 10.
After that, items not returned will have to be replaced by the patron.
Bruser said those who do not pay those bills are referred to a collection agency.