Dawn Ostrem
Northern News Services
Fort Good Hope (Oct 23/00) - Two men are dead after their snowmobiles collided head-on in Fort Good Hope early Sunday morning.
The men, both 22, were riding the machines in town with three passengers.
Two women, 20 and 19, and another man, 26, were medevaced to Stanton Regional Hospital in Yellowknife. The man was in serious condition and the women were being treated for injuries.
"Both snowmachines were absolutely totalled and obviously the two drivers took the worst of it," said Fort Good Hope RCMP const. Guy Lagimodiere.
The RCMP were notified by a nurse who appeared on the scene. By the time RCMP got the call, the victims were either on the way to or at the town's medical centre.
"The two females were extremely shaken up," Lagimodiere said. "About 100 people were in and out of the nursing station, very concerned. There were a lot of upset, emotional people."
The names of the victims cannot be released because, as of press time, not all the families had been notified.
The accident happened at about 1:30 a.m and alcohol is believed to have been a major factor.